There are people who rrefer to magazines for relationship advice. Some look to Dr. Phil. Others put their trust in friends who may or may not always have their best interests at heart. And unfortunately, some invest in Twitter. In actuality, however, UGK could possibly the best bet.
Ok, not the “best,” but definitely one of the most entertaining. Not too long ago, “I’sa Playa” came on instantly breaking me out into a mental two step. The song itself was more so a public service announcement from three different vantage points of tainted relationships. The Pimp took the stance of laying up with someone else’s chick because her man wasn’t treating her right, both mentally and sexually. So with this in mind, Pimp had no problems getting up her in guts mainly due to the fact he saw it as an act of community service. She needed something. He had something. So they made something, simple as that.
Bun, meanwhile, laid down a vicious verse in regards to a young lady who was two screws short of a toolbox. Depending on your experiences in life, we all know this woman (and vice versa for the ladies), who as Bun says, “never understood her part in our duo.” Keep on letting outside voices dictate what goes on in your house. You’ll be homeless in no time. That’s pretty much what Bun was getting at and it still rings true to this day.
Finally, Twista, well, cuts straight to the point. Your lady’s living foul and he’s the one helping her shoot free throws.
In all seriousness, this under appreciated anthem ranks near the apex of each member’s catalog, including Z-Ro who delivers a hook so cold it’s impossible not to sing along to. Listen to “I’sa Playa” on the computer, but truly let the vibes of the record stick to your ribs while riding with the windows down enjoying this Labor Day Weekend. Good times call for even better music.
And if, by chance, the song hits home on a personal level, you may want to spend some time working on your own relationship before it’s too late.
Pimp C Feat. Z-Ro, Bun B & Twista – “I’sa Playa”
Previously: 10 Raunchy Pimp C Lyrics That Will Make Your Mama Faint | The Gift Of Gab II: Five Legendary Pimp C Interviews